Friday, August 11, 2006

Presuppositional Patterns: A Biblical Study of the Unmarried Woman’s Role - Part Nine

Read: [Intro] [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Eight]

Julia and I were kindred spirits from the start. Both endowed with the gift of exhortation, we spent our time together as young girls dreaming up ideas and making plans for how we could teach others and share with them the things of the Lord. At long last our plans came to fruition. In the Spring of 1998, we made plans for a summer Bible Club, wrote a curriculum, designed and delivered flyers throughout the neighborhood, recruited friends to teach the groups of children, tell stories, accompany the singing, organize games and meals, and then prayed for God’s blessing on our little program, which we named, “Adventures In Character.” The Lord answered our prayers beyond what we could have ever expected and expanded the program the following year into a larger-scale program which continues to this day.

Julia, whose father died when she was still a young girl, has long been an inspiration to me with her love for the Lord and her devotion to prayer. She often asked me for prayer requests and faithfully prayed over them, checking in with me for updates on a regular basis. Julia’s heart for others, especially for those not readily accepted by others, has led her to take an interest in the lives of many younger girls and mentor and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. There is no telling how many lives have been forever changed because of the investments she has made.

For as long as I can remember, Julia had a certain computer-geekishness about her and didn’t hesitate to delve into solving computer problems or even learning programming languages. Eventually, she developed an interest in film technology and took advantage of an opportunity to study as an apprentice in the video department of the IBLP Headquarters in Illinois. She became quite good at video production and put to use her excellent writing skills and creative inspiration to help write scripts and narration, and design storyboards. She was hired on at the video department and continued her work there, working on a variety of different projects throughout the years. Over time, one of the supervisors in the video department realized that Julia was the one that God had prepared for him to marry. Just before their Christmas break in December of 2003, Daniel called Julia’s Mom and requested permission to court her. Julia, who had likewise grown to love Daniel, upon reaching home and receiving the news from her Mom, consented to the courtship. They were married in May of 2004 and have since founded Eye Reach Productions – a home-based film production company. They work together doing film work for a number of businesses and ministries and look forward to teaching their little daughter and expectant second child the “tools of the trade” so that they can continue to work and serve as a family.

You see, God knew exactly what kind of preparation Julia would need to be Daniel’s helpmeet. Because her heart was focused on the Lord during her unmarried years and because Julia faithfully sought the Lord and made knowing and following Him her priority, God was able to provide her with the opportunities to develop the skills He knew she would need.


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