Thursday, July 27, 2006

Presuppositional Patterns: A Biblical Study of the Unmarried Woman’s Role - Part Two

Read: [Intro] [Part One]

The young woman carefully folded another shirt and placed it in the open suitcase. As she did so, the brightly-colored fabric of another shirt caught her eye. She eased it out from its sandwiched position and held it up for reconsideration. Did she really need it? She had to admit, it didn’t seem quite as necessary now as when she had packed it a year ago. After a moment of intense internal debate, she folded it up and placed it back in the suitcase. After all, she might need it once she got there. There. She didn’t know exactly where “there” was; nevertheless, there was no telling what she might need once she got…there. Might as well pack it all. She wanted everything to be just perfect when the time came. She glanced at the four other suitcases surrounding her and carefully went back through each one, inspecting its contents and rearranging it until it satisfied her. She had spent countless hours acquiring, packing and rearranging the items in each suitcase. As she closed the last suitcase, she emitted a hopeful sigh. She’d been at this packing business for many years and she was ready. The exciting possibilities raced through her mind again. She could hardly wait! Someday – perhaps someday soon – she would finally get to go…there.

A look in the opposite direction illuminated another young woman as she hurried out the door. A moment later she reappeared – only to grab a handful of forgotten items before disappearing once again, leaving behind only the echo of the door as it slammed shut behind her. Later that night, her steps were considerably slower as she wearily reentered the room and collapsed in exhaustion onto her bed. Her room was in disarray, and her thoughts were ten times more so as she drifted off to sleep. She didn’t even notice as her dangling arm brushed across the thick layer of dust coating the top of her suitcase that had long ago been shoved out of sight under her bed. Perhaps she would need it someday, but there was no use worrying about it now. She was just too busy for that kind of thing.

One final gaze fixed itself upon a third young woman as she picked up a few odds and ends that had gotten out of place in her otherwise tidy area. As she returned them to their rightful spot, her eyes fell on the suitcase sitting inconspicuously toward the side of the room. A thought occurred to her and she quickly jotted it down on the travel checklist she kept handily stored in a drawer on her desk. As she looked over the growing list, she smiled contentedly and with a twinge of anticipation. She wanted to be ready for her trip – whenever the day should happen to arrive. But until then, she had plenty of other things to occupy her time and energy. She must remain focused and faithful in what she had been called to do for the present time. With that thought on her mind, she replaced the list, gathered the necessary items and left the room, carefully closing the door behind her as she set about to carry on the duties of the day.

An imperfect analogy, to be sure, but this is the scenario that came to mind as I contemplated the life of the unmarried woman. (The anticipated trip represents the probable future marriage and the suitcase and its contents represent the responsibilities of a married woman.) There is certainly no want of advice for such a woman: “Make a difference in the world while you’re single.” “Pursue your dreams.” “You must go to college if you want to be successful in life.” “Focus on learning to be a keeper at home.” “Find a ministry opportunity where you can serve others.” “Get a good job so you can support yourself.” “You always need something you can fall back on…just in case.”

How is one to sift through such conflicting messages as they are issued from every side? Which way is the right way? What’s an unmarried woman to do?


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