Archive for September, 2006

A Contest!

Anyone interested in winning over $700 worth of Vision Forum products? Well then, just click on over to Kim’s blog and leave your guess as to how many products will be in the new catalog this year. Can’t hurt to try! And if you place a link to it on your blog and e-mail Kim […]

Exciting News!

I just returned from a weekend at the annual conference of our Kansas Music Teachers Association to an exciting new development and just had to share the news. It’s official…(are you on the edge of your seat yet?)…we now have high speed Internet!! Hooray! And we’re only about three years behind the 40+ million U.S. […]

It is surprising how frequently I get e-mails from people, specifically other teachers, who question how I can be so “Christian” in the way I present myself and my studio, primarily through my website. Probably because the music teaching business isn’t suppose to be “Christian” in nature. Churches are suppose to be Christian. Christian schools […]

Books, Glorious Books!

Apparently Lydia got tired of just telling me that I need to post an update on my blog and took more deliberate measures to see that I heed her advice. She tagged me to divulge the underlying influencers of my wealth of knowledge…uh, I mean…to complete this book meme. So, between this and my previous […]

Goodbye to Summer

Sadly, my plans for a pool-dwelling-lemonade-sipping summer never came to fruition. 🙂 I found my month off (August) consumed with work on a website project that is now [mostly] done. Praise the Lord! You can visit the new Teaching Parents Association website here: The site was developed using the Open Source Joomla CMS, some embedded […]