Archive for October, 2005

More than Worldview

A full 48 hours with no Internet connection! I almost didn’t survive… 🙂 I spent last weekend at our annual state music teachers conference. Now that I’m home, I’m trying to catch up with everything. As I read through all the updates at The Rebelution from the SAICFF, I was especially struck by this synopsis […]

Harriet Miers Withdraws Supreme Court Nomination

Wow! Check out the article here. There has been so much controversy over this nomination of Harriet Miers. I must say, I didn’t really think she would end up withdrawing…let’s all remember to pray for the President as he makes this important decision of who to nominate to fill this position on the Supreme Court. […]

Reclaiming the Arts!

In a small corner of this country (aka San Antonio, Texas), a dedicated group of people are learning the ropes so that they can make a lasting impact on our culture. Vision Forum is hosting a Film Academy for aspiring film makers. Following the Film Academy will be the second annual San Antonio Independent Christian […]

Work Habits

One of my most often induced sources of irritation is that phrase, “I didn’t have time.”Âť It is used by old and young alike, most often in conjunction with an explanation for why they have not fulfilled a task that was their responsibility. (You should see the look on my face when one of my […]

A Sign of…What?

At one point, I recall hearing someone say that absent-mindedness is a sign of genius. I hope that’s true. If it is, then you should consider yourself privileged to be reading the writings of a genius! As I drove out to my weekly Bible study tonight, I managed to forget how to get there. I’ve […]

A Good Point…

Today’s quote is taken from the book The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A’Kempis. While I do not agree with all that he writes, I have gleaned so many little nuggets of truth and wisdom as I’ve been reading through this book. It is well worth reading! I found the following rhetorical question posed by […]

Think again…

This poignant short story was shared by Dave McCarrell, President of Pacific Garden Mission, in their monthly newsletter for October. (If you’re ever in the Chicago area, I highly recommend a visit to PGM! It is a vibrant ministry that upholds high standards and has remained faithful to its mission for over 100 years.) There […]

A Long Way From Home…

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a very friendly six year old boy. We enjoyed quite a bit of pleasant conversation on a variety of topics. At the end of the evening, as he was leaving, he informed me that it was going to take them a long time […]

And the Winner Is…

One of my favorite things to do is collect quotes that can later be utilized in a written paper, a speech or even a casual conversation. I have a quotes folder in my e-mail account, a quotes folder in my file cabinet and a quotes document in my computer files. I even have a quotes […]

Driving Me Crazy!

This past weekend I taught my 14-year old sister how to drive my manual transmission car. I figure after a couple months of daily chiropractor visits I should be back to normal again. But until then, a couple thousand milligrams of Tylenol every hour should do the trick. It only took her about fourteen tries […]

Body vs. Soul

In his interview with Marvin Olasky in this week’s issue of WORLD magazine Peter Lawler makes this pointed statement, We are obsessively prohibitionist when it comes to the body but indifferent when it comes to the soul. I find this to be an intriguing statement, both within and even apart from the immediate context of […]

Tapping Into Something Bigger

For years I’ve heard and read the numerous passages in the Bible, especially throughout Proverbs, that address knowledge. Especially this one: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…” Proverbs 1:7. But only recently have I begun to realize more fully the implication of such verses. God is the all-knowing One; the Creator […]